This web site doesn't install cookies into you device nether collect
any kind of visitor's data, it mainly offers 3D designing services,
suitable to realizing 3D prototipes for professional production of any
kind of object which can be 3D printed, or engraved/cutted by using
industrial tools machines.
In order to have 3D stl format files designed for any purposes, printable
by your home 3D printer, or 3D printed models for wargames, collection,
hobbies, please send request by e-mail.
Click on links or pictures in order to see what you may need.
All pictures and documents
shown or downloadable from this site are created by A.Maurizio Castiglioni,
all rights are reserved, content may not be reproduced, sold, disseminated,
published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the
prior written permission of the author. |